Introduction to Dependency Injection in Java



What is Dependency Injection?

If you’re not familiar with Dependency Injection, feel free to watch the following video to grasp the idea behind this pattern

And this article to understand the why part Dependency Injection 101 — What and Why

Dependency Injection is a concrete application of the more generic Inversion of Control principle in which the flow of the program is controlled by the program itself.

It’s implemented through an external component that provides instances of objects (or dependencies) needed by other objects.

Different frameworks implement dependency injection in different ways. In particular, one of the most notable of these differences is whether the injection happens at run-time or compile-time.

  • Run-time DI is usually based on reflection which is simpler to use but slower at run-time
    • Example: Spring and Google Guice
  • Compile-time DI, on the other hand, is based on code generation. This means that all the heavy-weight operations are performed during compilation. Compile-time DI adds complexity but generally performs faster.
    • Example: Google Dagger 2

What are the advantages that Dependency Injection provides?

  • Simplifies access to shared instances
    • Dagger 2 provides a simple way to obtain references to shared instances compared to using a Java constructor to create dependencies
  • Easy configuration of complex dependencies
    • Module reuse
  • Easier Unit Testing
    • We can easily mock the injected dependency to write unit tests

Dependency Injection with Dagger 2


public final class Car {

    private Engine engine;
    private Brand brand;

    public Car(Engine engine, Brand brand) {
        this.engine = engine;
        this.brand = brand;


Module is the class with the @Module annotation. This annotation indicates that the class can make dependencies available to the container

@Modules are classes or interfaces that act as collections of instructions for Dagger on how to construct dependencies. They’re called modules because they are modular: you can mix and match modules in different applications and contexts.

@Module(includes = {BrandModule.class})
public class VehiclesModule {

    public Engine provideEngine() {
        return new Engine();

Here @Module(includes = {BrandModule.class}) means that VehiclesModule depends on BrandModule and in order to build the object graph, BrandModule is requried

Below is the definition of BrandModule. Noticed that instead of the @Singleton annotation that creates a singleton object, we also have other two annotations

  • @Provides provides the dependency that the target class’s constructor needs
  • @Named differentiate the dependency based on the "name" given
public class BrandModule {

    public Brand provideLamboBrand() { 
        return new Brand("Lamborghini"); 

    public Brand provideBugattiBrand() { 
        return new Brand("Bugatti"); 


Component is the class that will generate Car instances, injecting dependencies provided by VehiclesModule. We need a method signature that returns a Car and we need to mark the class with the @Component annotation:

@Component(modules = VehiclesModule.class)
public interface VehiclesComponent {
    Car buildCar();

Notice how we passed our module class as an argument to the @Component annotation. If we didn’t do that, Dagger wouldn’t know how to build the car’s dependencies.

Also, since our module provides a singleton object, we must give the same scope to our component because Dagger doesn’t allow for unscoped components to refer to scoped bindings.

After annotating with @Component, Dagger will generate boilerplate code and prepend the class name with Dagger, which means if we wanna use VehiclesComponent in the code base, we can call DaggerVehiclesComponent

Client code usage

public void givenGeneratedComponent_whenBuildingCar_thenDependenciesInjected() {

    VehiclesComponent component = DaggerVehiclesComponent.create();
    Car car = component.buildCar();

    // ....

Assisted Injection with Dagger 2

Assisted injection is a dependency injection (DI) pattern that is used to construct an object where some parameters may be provided by the DI framework and others must be passed in at creation time (a.k.a “assisted”) by the user.

Dagger 2 documentation

To use Dagger’s assisted injection, annotate the constructor of an object with @AssistedInject and annotate any assisted parameters with @Assisted, as shown below:

public class MyDataService {

    MyDataService(DataFetcher dataFetcher, @Assisted Config config) {}

Next, define a factory that can be used to create an instance of the object. The factory must be annotated with @AssistedFactory and must contain an abstract method that returns the @AssistedInject type and takes in all @Assisted parameters defined in its constructor (in the same order). This is shown below:

public interface MyDataServiceFactory {
    MyDataService create(Config config);

Finally, Dagger will create the implementation for the assisted factory and provide a binding for it. The factory can be injected as a dependency as shown below.

class MyApp {
    @Inject MyDataServiceFactory serviceFactory;

    MyDataService setupService(Config config) {
        MyDataService service = serviceFactory.create(config);
        // ...
        return service;

Disambiguating @Assisted parameters with the same type

If multiple @Assisted parameters have the same type, you must distinguish them by giving them an identifier. This can be done by adding a name via the @Assisted("name") annotation. These must be put on both the factory method and the @AssistedInject type.

For example:

class MyDataService {
        DataFetcher dataFetcher,
        @Assisted("server") Config serverConfig,
        @Assisted("client") Config clientConfig) {}

public interface MyDataServiceFactory {
    MyDataService create(
        @Assisted("server") Config serverConfig,
        @Assisted("client") Config clientConfig);

Dependency Injection with Guice

Here is a great article that explains how to use Guice DI Dependency Injection 102 -Instrumentation with Guice

Misc - FAQ

What is the difference between javax.inject.Inject and ?

TL;DR: they are interchangeable.

Check Google Guice: JSR-330 specification
