Zhenye's LeetCode Blog
- Info
- my leetcode problem solutions with explanation
- github repo
- Array
- 41. first missing positive
- 442. find all duplicates in an array
- 287. find the duplicate number
- 169. majority element
- 932. beautiful array
- 16. 3sum closest
- 915. partition array into disjoint intervals
- 384. shuffle an array
- 927. three equal parts
- 1338. reduce array size to the half
- 566. reshape the matrix
- 89. gray code
- Binary Search
- 113. path sum ii
- 827. making a large island
- 126. word ladder ii
- 235. lowest common ancestor of a binary search tree
- 236. lowest common ancestor of a binary tree
- Divide & Conquer
- Dynamic Programming
- 703. kth largest element in a stream
- 1359. count all valid pickup and delivery options
- 799. champagne tower
- 188. best time to buy and sell stock iv
- 600. non-negative integers without consecutive ones
- 91. decode ways
- 639. decode ways ii
- 300. longest increasing subsequence
- 718. maximum length of repeated subarray
- 1220. count vowels permutation
- Graph
- HashMap
- 611. valid triangle number
- 560. subarray sum equals k
- 791. custom sort string
- 205. isomorphic strings
- Heap / Priority Queue
- 295. find median from data stream
- 378. kth smallest element in a sorted matrix
- 658. find k closest elements
- Linked List
- Prefix Sum
- Trie / Prefix Tree
- Two Pointers